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  • 6 Types Of Router Bits You Need To Know About

At KJP Select Hardwoods, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality lumber, woodworking tools, and accessories to our clients throughout North America. That means we have a wide variety of router bits in stock.

We categorize our router bits a little differently than some other woodworking stores, so we thought we’d take a moment to tell you about the kinds of router bits we have in stock. This is a brief overview of our bits and what they’re used for - if you enjoy the content, let us know, and we’ll do a deeper dive into the various types of bits we have available!

Straight router bits

Our straight router bits are our most popular selection; we offer straight bits, flush trim bits, template and pattern bits, plywood bits, and surfacing and flattening bits.

All of these bits serve different purposes. As a whole, however, straight router bits are most often used to cut square-shaped grooves. Grooves, dados, and rabbets are all cuts in the domain of straight router bits.

As such, straight router bits are excellent for joinery - mortise and tenon joints, rabbet joints, and much more. They’re also useful for creating square and rectangular holes for inserts of all kinds, from hardware to decorative inlays.

Versatility and simplicity are the hallmarks of straight router bits.

Spiral router bits

We offer a wide variety of different spiral bits, including up-cut, down-cut, and compression bits. Some woodworkers choose spiral bits for almost every task - even those that could be accomplished using straight bits. That’s because spiral router bits chop at a shear angle, which can reduce the risks of tear-out and burning.
  • Up-cut bits increase the risk of tool-side tear-out but decrease the risk of burning. They’re often used for cutting grooves in straight-grained hardwood and for plunge cutting.
  • Down-cut bits decrease the risk of tool-side tear-out but increase the risk of burning - the opposite of up-cut bits. They’re great for tear-out-prone wood, including plywood.
  • Compression bits mitigate the risk of tear-out and burning, as they’re a combination down and up-cut bit. They are, however, more difficult to master and can cause problems for inexperienced woodworkers (especially when doing CNC work).

CNC router bits

CNC router bits are router bits that are specifically designed to be used with CNC routers. As such, this category includes all kinds of different router bits: Straight, spiral, v-groove, round nose, and many, many more.

We have CNC router bits from some of the most well-reputed manufacturers in the world, including Amana and Whiteside router bits. Looking for a CNC router? We have those, too, including the spectacular Shaper Origin.

Edge-forming router bits

Edge-forming router bits aren’t used for plunging, joinery, or the like - they’re strictly used for shaping the edge of your piece. There are several different types of edge-forming bits, including:
  • Round-over bits are used to smooth and round the edges of an otherwise sharp, 90° angled piece of wood.
  • Chamfer bits are used to create a bevel. Bevelled edges are beloved on countertops and other surfaces. They can also be used to create miter cuts.
  • Cove bits create quarter-circle indentations. These bits are, in essence, the opposite of round-over bits.
  • Bullnose bits are used to create various oval-shaped edges.

This is, of course, just a small assortment of the various edge-forming bits we have available and their uses. Have any questions about our edge-forming bits (or any of our other router bits)? Don’t hesitate to get in touch - we love teaching people about woodworking.

Joinery router bits

Joinery bits are specifically designed to create joints. While straight and spiral bits can be used for these purposes, joinery bits go the extra mile, offering precise control over depth, the ability to cut perfect tongues and grooves into two pieces that are to be joined, and more.

We offer a variety of different joinery bits, including:
  • Cabinet door bits
  • Glue joint bits
  • Dovetail bits
  • Rabbet bits
  • And more

Luthier bits

Luthier bits are a bit like CNC router bits in that they’re a broad category of bits that are used for luthiering, the art of creating stringed instruments out of wood. Our luthier bits include flush trim plunge routers, which are small enough for the delicate, fine work required for creating a musical instrument.
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