Worry-Free Purchase package protection is a shipping protection service provided by Seel, which covers damaged, lost, or stolen orders.
Frequently Asked Questions About Worry-Free Delivery
If you purchased Worry-Free Delivery with your order, you can report an issue within 7 days of delivery through the Seel Resolution Center. Initiate the request using your email and order number found on the confirmation email.
If you purchased Worry-Free Delivery with your order, you can report an issue within 7 days of delivery through the Seel Resolution Center. Initiate the request using your email and order number found on the confirmation email.
If you purchased Worry-Free Delivery with your order, you can report a loss 30 days after placing your order of delivery through the Seel Resolution Center. Initiate the request using your email and order number found on the confirmation email.
If you purchased Worry-Free Delivery with your order, you have 7 days from the date of delivery to report theft or damage and can report a loss for domestic orders between 30 and 60 days after placing the order .
If your shipping issue has been accepted, then it will be dependent on your method of payout:
- Direct Deposit: 1-3 business days following return acceptance
- Virtual Visa Card: 1 hour following return acceptance
- PayPal Transfer: 1 hour following return acceptance
- Venmo Transfer: 1 hour following return acceptance
If you purchased Worry-Free Delivery with your order, then Seel will send you a confirmation of your Worry-Free Delivery purchase via email. Worry-Free Delivery is not refundable unless the entire order is canceled.
No. Seel's Worry-Free Delivery only provides coverage for items that have been fulfilled and shipped out to a customer. If an item is not shipped out by your company, you will need to directly support the customer.
Filing a claim for damage requires shoppers to visit the Seel Resolution Center to initiate the request. When the item(s) are damaged during transit, we need to evaluate the nature, cause, and impact of damage. To file and qualify for a claim of damage, in most instances, the following supporting documents are required:
- Clear photo(s) of the carrier packaging and product package (if applicable)
- Clear photo(s) of how the item(s) are damaged
Note that damage to the exterior packaging - without affecting the item(s) inside- as well as, pre-shipment item defects are not covered.
Filing a claim for loss requires shoppers to visit the Seel Resolution Center to initiate the request.
Lost packages claims require one of the following tracking statuses:
- The shipment be marked by the carrier as "lost" or
- Domestic shipments must not have a "delivery" scan 30 within days after shipment or
- International shipments must not have a "delivery" scan within 60 days after shipment
You can also provide a Carrier Letter
Filing a claim for theft requires customers to visit the Seel Resolution Center to initiate the request. A shipment that displays as "delivered", but has not been received by the shopper falls into a potential theft coverage request. Many times this is due to a mishap that is not criminal in nature. We encourage shoppers to check with neighbors or the post office as a first step.
To qualify for a claim of theft, some shoppers may be required to file a police report, in which case the shopper will be prompted to do so during the claims process. The process of filing a police report and its format may vary depending on location, but for more insight please refer to this article. Police reports can typically be made over the phone, in-person, or online.