Osmo Liquid Wax Cleaner is specially designed for initial cleaning, occasionally refreshing and maintenance of wooden floors, furniture and wood treated with Osmo Polyx®-Oil as well as most other conventional wood finishes. Based on natural vegetable waxes – regenerate and cleans the surface at the same time. It is easy to use and allows a quick and economical application.
Cleans and regenerates the wood at the same time
Maintains protected surfaces without extensive treatment
Easy to use for occasional or regular usage
Replenishes natural hard waxes, without forming a film on the surface
Suitable for domestic and commercial use
Liquid Wax Cleaner can also be used to enhance the sheen level of the surface
Approx. Coverage295-305m²/L (850-1000 ft2/L)
Approx. Dry Time30 - 40 minutes
Application Instructions
Cleaning & Removing Stains:
Apply a small amount on a cloth or White Scotchbrite pad and scrub the dirty area
First clean the wood surface with Osmo Wash & Care and wipe dry
Using a White Scotchbrite pad, scrub a small amount of the product into the dirty area
Wipe away dirt residues
For Heavier Stains: Apply to floor with Osmo polishing pad (very thin steel wool) or on Oak floors, a Green Scotchbrite pad. Wipe off dirt residues and reapply Osmo Polyx®-Oil to area and blend into the existing finish.
Manually with a Cloth / Rag:
Apply a thin coat with an Osmo FloorxCenter and MicroPad; or other single disc buffer and carpet
First clean the wood surface with Osmo Wash & Care and wipe dry
Using the MicroPad, work a thin and even coat of the Liquid Wax Cleaner across the floor.
Approx. 1 hour drying time. Allow for good ventilation whilst drying