If you're tired of having to use hold downs and fighting plywood that doesn't stay flat, TruFlat® pre-finished plywood is the solution you've been looking for! TruFlat® stays flat and lets you focus on cutting your next project quickly and easily.
With the smooth pre-finish on both sides, you can also engrave and wipe on paint fills with super easy cleanup. You don't even need masking as the paint wipes right off!
TruFlat® plywood is always sold good 2 sides and is pressed onto a defect free MDF core for easy cutting. Thickness is approximately 3.6mm. Sizes of sheets can vary +/- 1/4"
Cuts great and engraves beautifully on a 20 watt diode. I will be ordering this product again.
Panels are definitely flat, and cut well on my laser cutter. As some have said, it’s not a real wood veneer, almost like paper. I made a pen/phone holder for my daughter using the pre finished black and it turned out great. I applied acrylic paint to an laser filled pattern, and it worked great - although, being skeptical of the 'just wipes off', I applied yellow delicate painters tape and used the laser to create a mask prior to applying the acrylic paint, so can’t speak to whether or not paint would just wipe off….. Overall, quite happy with the material.
It's truly flat. However it's NOT plywood. I was expecting real wood on the front and back layers.