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  • Let us Flatten your Live Edge Slab, River Table, or Wood Tabletop

Did you know that KJP can flatten your projects? Read on for more info... 

Not all aspects of woodworking are fun when you don't have the right equipment or time. KJP is fully equipped to flatten projects up to 4-1/2" wide and 11' long. Enjoy the other aspects of woodworking, and save the flattening headaches to us. 

Just drop off your tabletop, and we'll return it flat & ready for sanding in a few days. 

Estimated Costs:
Coffee Tabletop: $75 - 100
Dining Room Tabletop: $200 - 300

*Estimate only, final price will be provided when the project is on our machine.


Tabletop Flattening Service in Ottawa

flatten river table in Ottawa at KJP Select Hardwoods

flatten river table in Ottawa at KJP Select Hardwoods



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