Colliflower - Universal Zero-Clearance Fence for Miter Saws
One perpetual ZCA (Zero-Clearance Addition) for your miter saw.
It makes little sense to have a ZCI yet have blow-out/chip-out on the fence side of the cut! Make your cuts cleaner.
"Why doesn't anyone make/sell a zero-clearance fence for miter saws?" Then answer is: "Most likely because all miter saw fences are different, and to create one which lasts and can fit many miter saws would be difficult." That's where Jack from Colliflower comes in...
Now there is a perpetual zero-clearance fence that fits virtually any miter saw. Very simple design. Very good results.
Made of two "body" pieces of machined aluminum with a 1/4" replaceable melamine insert. Simply put: The aluminum body pieces attached to your stock miter saw fence via commercial-grade double-sided tape. One can have the zero-clearance fence body move with the stock fence via adhering it only to the movable part of the stock fence. Or, one can have it be stationary adhering it to both the moveable part and the lower stationary part. Or, it can be stationary simply by adhering it anywhere and locking the stock fence in its position. Lots of options! All the while remembering that the slip-in, slip-out insert can be re-positioned to make a fresh ZC cut at any time.
The insert slips in and out via a dovetailed slot cut into the aluminum body.
The aluminum bodies can be removed simply because they are adhered by tape. The fence does not move and is strong while adhered to the stock fence.
A very great help to the fine wood worker!
- Body dimensions: 8" x 3" x 0.300"
- Insert dimensions: 23" x 3" x 1/4"
Replacement Melamine ZC Insert for ZC Fence come in a 2-pack.