Rubio Monocoat - Exterior Wood Cleaner
Clean new and aged exterior wood!
RMC Exterior Wood Cleaner is a product for the cleaning of wooden patios, fences, exterior doors, carports, etc...the product removes grey discolouration, green deposits and dirt.
- Can be applied on all types of wood.
- New, weathered as well as treated wood must always be cleaned with RMC Exterior Wood Cleaner before an application with one of our exterior oils.
- Approx 100-200 ft²/L
Application Instructions
Directions for use:
1. Dampen the surface with water. Use a hose - no high pressure cleaner.
2. Apply the ready-to-use Rubio Monocoat Exterior Wood Cleaner using a wide brush or similar. For light cleaning, the product can be diluted with water at a ratio of 1:2.
3. Scrub the treated area with a scrubbing brush working length-wise along the wood until it is clean. You can also use a wood boy with black pad. For stubborn stains, repeat the treatment.
4. Rinse thoroughly with water until all the foam has disappeared.
5. Allow the surface to dry completely.
6. Treat with the Rubio Monocoat Exterior wood protection product of your choice.
Do not use this product on padauk.
Important: RMC Exterior Wood Cleaner + Decking Oil Duo System
A good preparation is crucial in order to give an optimal guarantee on the system for years to come.
All new, greying and previously treated wood should be treated beforehand with RMC Exterior Wood Cleaner.
- New wood
> grease that appears naturally in some types of wood is removed.
> the natural pigmentation is washed out and as a result the colours of the primer will be more stable afterwards.
> the pores are opened, whereby the action of the nano pigments of our primer can be guaranteed in a better way, and the result will be smoother.
- Already treated and greying wood
> the application will degrease and degrey the wood. Hereby you always start with a smooth colour, resulting in more control over the final result.