Did you know that all 1/8" and 1/4" Baltic Birch has the possibility of cupping/warping? This can happen because of the nature of it being thin and wide. If and when that happens, this popular product for laser cutters can be accommodated by using simple techniques such as taping it down to a flat surface, or creating a jig that compresses it down flat. We always do our best to hand pick the highest quality pieces, but it’s important to be aware of this possibility when planning materials for your project.
If you require perfectly flat material for your project, we would recommend trying our TruFlat® Laser Plywood instead.
For many of our customers working on CNC or Lasers - it should be noted there is an allowable thickness tolerance to consider;
- 1/8" (3mm) - +0.3mm/-0.4mm
- 1/4" (6mm) - +0.4mm/-0.5mm
Refunds for this product are subject to a 15% restocking fee as these are cut to order. As well, the customer is responsible for any applicable shipping charges.