8/4 White Ash Lumber Pack
White Ash is a great choice when looking for a strong and affordable wood!
Choose from 2 different sizes of our 8/4 White Ash Rough Cut Lumber Packs; 10 Board feet or 20 Board Feet. We will carefully handpick an assortment of boards in the pack size of your choice.
What should I expect in my Lumber Pack?
10 Board Feet
- Approximately 2-3 boards*
- 4" to 8" widths
- 48" lengths
20 Board Feet
- Approximately 5-6 boards*
- 4" to 8" widths
- 48" lengths
Although these boards have been skipped dressed to show colour and grain, they will still require some TLC and additional milling. If you would prefer to have the milling done for you - check out our S4S White Ash Lumber.
*We always try to include the widest boards we have available at the time that meet the Rough Cut Lumber Pack specifications. Approximate board count is based on an average size of 6" x 48". Actual amount of boards will vary depending on widths available at time of fulfillment. Have a question? Send us an Email.
More info
This wood is a popular choice for making tool handles and baseball bats. Other popular uses would be flooring, millwork, and furniture.
The heartwood is light to medium brown with a sapwood that is typically beige or light brown. It’s not always clear where the sapwood ends, and the heartwood begins. The grain is quite coarse and strikes a strong resemblance to oak. Typically it is fairly straight-grained but you will occasionally find a curly or figured board!
What is happening to White Ash trees? The emerald ash borer has decimated hundreds of millions of ash trees. Because of this, ash is starting to disappear from lumber yards and forests alike.