Cleaning & Removing Stains:
Apply a small amount on a cloth or White Scotchbrite pad and scrub the dirty area
- First clean the wood surface with Osmo Wash & Care and wipe dry
- Using a White Scotchbrite pad, scrub a small amount of the product into the dirty area
- Wipe away dirt residues
For Heavier Stains: Apply to floor with Osmo polishing pad (very thin steel wool) or on Oak floors, a Green Scotchbrite pad. Wipe off dirt residues and reapply Osmo Polyx®-Oil to area and blend into the existing finish.
Manually with a Cloth / Rag:
Apply a thin coat with an Osmo FloorxCenter and MicroPad; or other single disc buffer and carpet
- First clean the wood surface with Osmo Wash & Care and wipe dry
- Using the MicroPad, work a thin and even coat of the Liquid Wax Cleaner across the floor.
- Approx. 1 hour drying time. Allow for good ventilation whilst drying
- Can be polished to raise sheen, once dried