Festool - Template Guide - OF 1400/VS 600
COPY RING KR-D 8.5-40/OF1400
Template Guide for the OF 1400 router. Easy swap which can be inserted into the router base without the use of tools.
4 of the templates can be used with the VS 600 joining system (492179-492182), 492181 & 492182 have flange for VS 600.
Sizes available (Product number - D = External Diameter / d = Internal Diameter:
- 492179 - D - 8.5mm / d - 6.5mm
- 492180 - D - 13.8mm / d - 10.8mm
- 492181 - D - 17.0mm / d - 14.0mm (Flange)
- 492182 - D - 24.0mm / d - 21.0mm (Flange)
- 492183 - D - 24.0mm / d - 21.0mm
- 492184 - D - 27.0mm / d - 24.0mm
- 492185 - D - 30.0mm / d - 27.0mm
- 492186 - D - 40.0mm / d - 37.0mm