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  • Baltic Birch in Canada! Free Shipping over $199!

KJP Select Hardwoods stocks the largest selection of Baltic Birch (also known as Russian Birch) options in Canada. From 12" x 12" small squares up to full 4' x 8' sheets, you are sure to find the right size for your project!

We sell the grade BB/BB - Single piece face has light and uniform colour. A few sound tight knots and pin holes are permitted. Open knots and defects are replaced with small oval or round veneer patches before gluing. The patches are selected to closely match the background colour.

Our 4' x 8' sheets are laminated together with an exterior grade glue while the 5' x 5' sheets are for interior use only. Unless otherwise noted - all of our smaller sizes and circles are cut out of 5' x 5' sheets for best results with laser cutters and CNCs.

Available thickness:

Sizes available include:

We also offer pre-cut Circles:




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