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  • How we select your Project Wood Boards

Purchasing wood online in Canada is something KJP is proud to offer. Not everyone is in driving distance to our store, so we try to go above and beyond making wood accessible across the country.

We've made a little video walking you through the selection process. Join Tom as he describes how we select your board(s), process them, and ship them.

To purchase wood online, click here.

To summarize our selection process, if we wouldn't be excited to use the piece of wood - we will not ship it to you.

Our Project Wood boards are available in 4/4 & 8/4, and in 2ft, 3ft, & 4ft lengths. Quantity discounts are available when purchasing more than 2 boards of the same wood species. You will also save 20% when you purchase 4 or more.

Our Project Boards are always their stated length, however there will be a range in widths. Generally speaking, the boards will range from 4-8" wide. If you have a particular width in mind for your project, please inform us in the notes section of your online order. It is not always possible, but we will certainly do our best to select a board that fits your requirements. 

Ultimately, we want you to love your project boards. We strive to select high quality, beautiful wood. After you've completed your project, please tag us on social media or email us photos of your work. We'd love to see what our lumber has become! 

Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post on how we create our Wood Thins

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